Did you see Tom Watson's brilliant effort in the recent Open Golf Championship. He so nearly won...and he's 59! Did you know that? He's 59!! Yes...every commentator and pundit must have told us at least twice, so that must have been 200 times, given the size of the BBC Team.
"SHUUUUUT UP!!!" I eventually shouted at the screen....as those of Tom's and my age do. Why do people have this obsession with "seniority?" But at least it distracted the team from their usual mantra that The Open is the best golf championship there is.....is that because it's the oldest????
And another thing!!! Why does the BBC need 100 commentators when they only have 2 or 3 cameras covering about 6 or 8 players..."best in the world??? Mmmmm....Check out the US Masters to see coverage of all players around the course.
Anyway it did all manage to rekindle my passion in the game at a time when I was reappraising my swing. I'd been asked to read the drafts of a new book on golf technique written by Roy Palmer. It's great stuff! Tips and advice on how to get into the zone...relax the muscles, all designed to replicate a good swing. We'd taken the theory to the driving range for some practical application and I was hitting off the mat sweet as you like. Which was very handy because next morning I was playing 9 holes with son-in-law Simon. This was my first game in a long time. Simon plays very well without effort or stress. We were playing at Priors Park Corby...home to my worst golfing moments. But I still looked forward to it!
It all came back to me as I stood on that first tee with queing
players watching from behind the chainlink fence. Many's the time that fence saved the lives of onlookers as my tee shot viciously hooked left. I surveyed the fairway with out of bounds to the left and right...and I'm sure the fairway is only half its original width.
Then I remembered Roy's methods. Relax the jaw. Get into the moment. Let the swing do what it knows it can do without my intervention. And it was off...a soaring left to right fade slightly edging Simon's drive. An elegant 8 iron then got me to the edge of the green. Chipping on, I then putted in two to card my first ever 5 for the first hole. The same happened at the next hole. Always a dodgy one for me. But again I was in the zone....outdrove Simon and carded another 5.
This was brilliant. I'd have been happy to go home now. Especially when I spotted the lone golfer playing behind us and hurrying along. You can tell when somebody wants to join in your game!!!
"Would you like to play on through?" "Naahh! That'll just hold you up...I'll just join you lads.............if you don't mind that is?" I just couldn't get into the zone after that.
Jimmy played in the Seniors...3 days a week...knew the course well....and was good company. Us seniors have got to stick together. Besides, I'd had my moment of success. It didn't last as long as Tom Watson's but for 15 minutes I had my hand on the Claret Jug. Rock on Tommy (and Jimmy)
"SHUUUUUT UP!!!" I eventually shouted at the screen....as those of Tom's and my age do. Why do people have this obsession with "seniority?" But at least it distracted the team from their usual mantra that The Open is the best golf championship there is.....is that because it's the oldest????
And another thing!!! Why does the BBC need 100 commentators when they only have 2 or 3 cameras covering about 6 or 8 players..."best in the world??? Mmmmm....Check out the US Masters to see coverage of all players around the course.
Anyway it did all manage to rekindle my passion in the game at a time when I was reappraising my swing. I'd been asked to read the drafts of a new book on golf technique written by Roy Palmer. It's great stuff! Tips and advice on how to get into the zone...relax the muscles, all designed to replicate a good swing. We'd taken the theory to the driving range for some practical application and I was hitting off the mat sweet as you like. Which was very handy because next morning I was playing 9 holes with son-in-law Simon. This was my first game in a long time. Simon plays very well without effort or stress. We were playing at Priors Park Corby...home to my worst golfing moments. But I still looked forward to it!
It all came back to me as I stood on that first tee with queing

Then I remembered Roy's methods. Relax the jaw. Get into the moment. Let the swing do what it knows it can do without my intervention. And it was off...a soaring left to right fade slightly edging Simon's drive. An elegant 8 iron then got me to the edge of the green. Chipping on, I then putted in two to card my first ever 5 for the first hole. The same happened at the next hole. Always a dodgy one for me. But again I was in the zone....outdrove Simon and carded another 5.
This was brilliant. I'd have been happy to go home now. Especially when I spotted the lone golfer playing behind us and hurrying along. You can tell when somebody wants to join in your game!!!
"Would you like to play on through?" "Naahh! That'll just hold you up...I'll just join you lads.............if you don't mind that is?" I just couldn't get into the zone after that.
Jimmy played in the Seniors...3 days a week...knew the course well....and was good company. Us seniors have got to stick together. Besides, I'd had my moment of success. It didn't last as long as Tom Watson's but for 15 minutes I had my hand on the Claret Jug. Rock on Tommy (and Jimmy)
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