Both fairly healthy....considering!!! We were certainly encouraged to live a certain life style in those GW days. Our boss Keith had a terrific attitude to motivation which was to start by treating yourself well. Of course we followed his teachings faithfully. Good restaurants. Posh hotels. Well stocked drinks cabinet for home entertaining. All claimed on the expenses budget of course. What we may not have realised at the time though was that this apparent self-indulgence did motivate us to do our best. What Keith was doing of course was creating the trappings of success and because we behaved as if we were successful we made sure that we were successful. We felt like winners and we were obliged to be winners.
30 years on we still recognise that attitude in ourselves. The expense funded meals have gone although we both still have the Cross pens. But more to the point we learnt and still practice that philosophy feel that life is treating you well and you will want to repay it by doing your best with life. We shared stories of our current successes, particularly Alan's offer of a Sales Management role. "At 62!!" And agreed that today's breed wouldn't hold a light to us ex-GW managers. And then we were off, stopping at the chiller to get some of that delicious Italian Red Grape juice that Sainbsbury's sell. "This stuff has that anti-ageing ingredient" says I. "Righto" says Alan, "Give us one here!"
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