But to me my view of life hasn't aged much and I guess that's how I see myself....from the inside out. A positive perspective on age that I maintain with the help of the odd article or survey. Like the one I just read compiled by Norwich Union actuaries and reported in Timesonline. As you would expect of a survey by actuaries it offers quite precise predictions on the added years available by various means. And amongst the expected good habits like not smoking, avoiding obesity, enjoying a healthy diet, and getting a good night's sleep, I especially liked these.
Enjoy a good laugh! Apparently there are lots of health benefits to be derived from a 15 minute daily laughter work out. Good for the heart and lungs....all those endorphines and stuff! And it's good for an extra 8 years!
Have a positive outlook! A definite favourite of mine this one. It seems that with an optimistic outlook we are less prone to viruses and we also recover quicker from illnesses and injuries. Not surprisingly a positive outlook also leads to a healthier,more active and social lifestyle. And the prize for that another 9 years!
There are some new and quite surprising tips, like.
Floss your teeth! That bacterial build up can contribute to cardio-vascular disease. So floss another 6 years onto your life.
Then there are some new but somewhat challenging tips, like.
Be born later? That is a bit challenging....although it is worth an extra 6 years.
Be a woman and live in Eastbourne!! Now there is a limit to what I'm prepared to do to live longer. Even though the aggregate benefit is another 10 years I am not going to live in Eastbourne!!
Returning to my particular favourites....a good laugh ...and a positive outlook. Adopting these two as habits is a real "no brainer" isn't it! Whenever I meet colleagues and I get asked "how you doing?" I always tell them "Things are great!" often followed by "Life treats me far better than I deserve!" It always prompts a smile and often a laugh and we both of us feel good. And what if being positive doesn't add any extra years? ...I'll never get to know anyway!
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