Why doesn't Daddies Sauce taste as wonderful as it did when I was a kid?
Why is it nothing is as good today as it was when I was young?

Well it could be that this belief that things were better in the good old days is false because it's actually a manifestation of a need to belong... according to research by psychologists at Arizona Stayte University and published in a recent edition of the Journal of Consumer Research.
The researchers studied the behaviour of people who took part in group exercises and were then suddenly excluded. It seems that those excluded all exhibited a strong need to reconnect socially, and at the same time they showed a preference for the nostalgic option of products that they were offered. As well as feeling happier with familiar things such as food and toiletry brands and TV shows, one experiment actually saw nostalgic cookies curing the feelings of exclusion. Interestingly, those that remained in the various games suffered none of these feelings of exclusion or need for nostalgic comforters.
All of which got me wondering about my nostalgic preferences...
Like, was 60's pop music the best? Or do I think that way when I'm feeling socially excluded?
Since I always think that 60's pop music is best does that mean I'm always feeling socially excluded?
Do my contemporaries who "dig" current pop music genuinely feel socially included?
Or are they faking both...music preference and social inclusion?
You see...I've always had a thing about being overly trendy. It's one of the subtle elements of OnWeGo philosophy. Stay young in body, mind and outlook, absolutely....but don't look ridiculous in the process. And to me nothing looks or sounds so ridiculous as a couple of "there-abouts 50 year olds" in their hoodies and cargo pants (where were the skateboards?) ...describing a recent Kaiser Chief's Concert as "like it was... flossin man!" They are about as cool as grannie used to be when saying "it's all the rage you know!"
What were those brilliant lyrics of that Kink's classic?
'cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion
Yes, I'm entirely convinced that social inclusion or approval should have nothing whatsoever to do with what we choose to like. As to whether I feel socially excluded or in need of nostalgic comfort?
I'll just give myself a quick test:
Are today's rock stars as good as the likes of Bowie, Ferry, or Lennox?
Are today's fashions as stylish as the 60's?
Are today's footballers as good as those going back to the 60's?
Are today's movies and TV programmes as good as those going back to the 60's?
Is Doctor Who's new assistant the best ever?
Well I think that shows a nice preference spread for old and new...so clearly no social exclusion problems for me!
Now what am I in this week.... polka dots or stripes?
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