It was a sell out of course. Not a problem at the Albert Hall ...unless you happen to be in the 2nd row of the upper circle behind people who choose to watch the show leaning over the balcony rail! And with no attendant in sight!

I was ok. The guy to my left had a problem and I was glad to have a word on his behalf with the nice young girl sat in front. Lynda sat to my right wasn’t so lucky. She had the O’Gormless family in front of her. I couldn’t attract their attention. Not without standing up and leaning over. Lynda prevented that.
She was remembering a place she had been to before.
It was the Barbra Streisand Concert at the O2 arena ...and I was attempting to silence a couple of constantly chatting chavs. Their suggestion that I "do myself a favour and keep quiet!" very likely prevented our ejection from the O2 just as Barbra was getting into the first verse of “People.”
She would also be remembering a particularly busy day at the London Eye when after an hour being obediently herded to the front...the "stockman" insisted that we had jumped the queue and must go to the back. It was very impressive how Lynda halted my incandesent verbal carnage. A whispered explanation brought an anxious stare and a nod from our dayglo vested chum and we were ushered through.
Over the years I've learnt that certain situations (and public orderliness certainly seems to be one trigger) will deprive me of any ability to articulate reason and sense!
So it's not a grumpy old man's just that we are all different. And my difference is that I'm one of those kinaesthetics.
You know. The ones that think by feeling things inwardly rather than expressing them outwardly. Heated moments and cool words don't co-exist in our world! You'll easily spot us... we switch instantly from contemplative deep trance to shambolic rant.
So if you ever happen to encounter such a rant please be tolerant and won't make sense of us...or reason with us...better just to smile and wonder what you've done wrong!
We're off to the Hampton Court Flower Show later this week.
Hope the queues aren't too long!
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