Friday, 28 May 2010

What the world needs now is Creativity

After my last post about "Heroes" I had some misgivings. I mean...coming out about Steven Segal being one of my alter-egos? Was that a good idea??
But then the good news...scientific evidence that alter-egos help us solve problems. Yes, as Professor Fredrik Ullen of the Karolinska Institute explains in his recent report there is a clear link between schizophrenia and creativity. It seems that certain psychological traits, such as the ability to make bizarre associations are shared by schizophrenics and healthy, highly creative people.  Apparently it's all to do with dopamine D2 receptors. "The research results have shown that the dopamine system of healthy, highly creative people is similar to that found in people with schizophrenia,"
So there you go a dual personality probably increases your creativity!  
But that's not all!! It gets better...
Creativity is seen as the most important leadership quality required for success in business over the next 5 years! 
That is the highly significant conclusion in a  new study conducted by IBM and reported by The Fast Company when the question of leadership qualities that would take us forward was posed.  1,500 corporate heads and public sector leaders from a mix of 60 nations and 33 industries were asked the question. About 60% of the CEOs cited creativity. The feeling being that creative leaders are more prepared to break with the status quo of business. Something clearly seen as an issue in the challenging years ahead!
So fellow OnWeGo 'ers we have been given a sign... and it's Creativity. How do we respond to this and retake our rightful place leading the world?
Well we've got a head start. We can do the alter-ego bit easy as you like. What about the dopamine? Apparently eating certain foods works wonders and can get our neurotransmitters connecting with wild creativity.
This is a great "shopping list" that I came across on Medhelp - Apples for their "quercetin.'  Bananas for tyrosine.  Beetroot for betaine.  Chicken for coenzyme Q10.   Cheese, with cottage cheese seen as a "must eat" food amongst experts for boosting mood and energy.  Eggs.  Fish particularly the "oily" varieties for Omega-3 fatty acids.  Watermelon...another favourite fat free and vitamin loaded producer of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine.
Right. I've been munching on an apple and a banana so that's pumped up my dopamine.
Now... let's get into my alter-ego. Hmmm...this bat suit is getting a bit tight!
OK. Ready now  Time to practice a few bizarre associations!

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