Monday, 7 June 2010

For the last 10 years or so I've been very alert to any warning signs of grumpy old man syndrome!
There's not much you can do about most of the other "seniority" traits.... Like greying hair...if you still have any!  Forgetfullness...of the "what did I come in here for?" variety.  These things just happen. 
But becoming grumpy? You can get a grip of that and maybe prevent it.
After all what is the point of moaning? Moaning because my neighbour's thoughtless parking reduces a three-car space into two. Moaning because somebody who came into the coffee shop after me got served first!
No it's best just to get over it. Especially in my case because I'm not very good at articulating my angst! When I attempt to "have a word" I will always start off trying really hard to be calm and reasonable. Then, when as is generally the case, this is not reciprocated...a fuse blows...and I become the antithesis of incisive argument.  I display the poise and control of an unattended high pressure hosepipe that has been accidently turned on!!
But I've just found out where I've been going wrong. It's all explained in a new investigation carried out by scientists at the University of Valenica   And the bottom line of this study seems to be that getting angry is extremely helpful when wanting to make your point!
Apparently when we get angry a series of things happen. The heart rate increases. Well no surprise there I can vouch for that. Also testosterone production increases. Well I suppose that's not a surprise really? It's been a while but I can certainly recall those red mist moments.
But as well as these reactions there are a couple of others that really interest me.
One is the effect on the stress hormone Cortisol.  Now I do remember Cortisol being explained to me once before and how it's presence impairs neuro-transmissions across the synaptic gap. Basically we lose our thinking efficiency. Anger actually reduces Cortisol!
And the other thing that anger does, according to the team at Valencia, is to stimulate the left hemisphere of the brain. Which of course is the side where all the rational and logical thinking happens.
So there it is. My well intentioned attempt at calm and reasonableness is the problem! Synaptic gap in shutdown and a by-pass of the logical thinking department. No wonder I couldn't win an argument with a wastepaper bin.
So here's the rallying call my fellow OnWeGo'ers.

Rediscover inside of yourself that angry young man!
Forget serene wisdom.
Don't be grumpy...get mad!
After's good for testosterone that's worth risking a black eye for!!!.
Right then... I 've had enough of that bloke down the road disturbing my sunday afternoon.
I'm off to give him some incisive advice!

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