And that's not just the the's also the un-interrupted viewing that our loving and good-hearted partners are allowing us to have.
Which is why we really could have done without an article published in Thursday's Daily Mail headlined
"Wives spend 6 days a year nagging their husbands!"
I mean to say...why risk upsetting things? And it wasn't as if the findings were such a surprise:-
- "The most common subject for nagging was not helping to tidy the home."
- "Other complaints included not helping to wash the dishes, drinking too much and not visiting the doctor to get checked out!"
- "Women were not ashamed about giving their partner a hard time to get them to do something.
- "83 per cent of men surveyed said they often thought their partner was right to nag them!!".

Allan and Barbara Pease's briliant book Why men don't listen and women can't read maps. Linking back to the prehistoric days of cave dwellers they suggest that man the alone for days on end had little need for language. Whereas woman was the homemaker and teacher...she necessarily communicated much, and so developed a vocabulary three times the size of man's. On man's return from hunting woman would talk with him...naturally using her more extensive vocabulary. Whereas man...accustomed to his own company was content to sit and gaze into the fire...offering the occasional grunt!
So if we do appear inattentive please understand that it is just a phenomenom of evolution.
Millions of years have irrevocably determined us to be firegazers
Intuitively we know that you are talking to us....but will use three words for every one that we would use.
So we instinctively wait...knowing that eventually you will refine your thoughts down to the minimum number of words that we can assimilate into our consciousness!
Because the good news is that nagging does work! According to the study...of the men questioned, nearly half gave in after an hour and another 21% did so after two hours.
And two hours can be easily accommodated between the end of the 1.30 kick-offs and the start of the 7.30 games!!
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