I first spotted it on holiday in South Devon. The roads down there have this quirky habit of suddenly narrowing to single vehicle width. It proved a bit of a challenge initially ...but I soon got the hang of it ....learning that to boldly go was the better strategy! The locals on the other hand seemed far less confident and very hesitant. Sometimes with fairly chaotic consequences.
Like on the first Sunday when having looked for a pub that was still serving lunch we were disappointedly leaving the car park of the fourth. With the old Lexus barely a wheel arch out from the walled entrance ...traffic from both left and right screeched to a halt, forming an immediate jam! Drivers looked bewildered and indecisive. But being a London boy weaned on Hammersmith Broadway traffic and the like ...my natural instincts and assurance took over. I assumed control of the situation and boldly drove out through the gap. Heads shook in a mixture of respect and I suspect some embarrassment too?
Then the second example. Leading a lengthy convoy along the same road, I pulled out to pass a land rover. It had rather carelessly parked obscuring a "Road Works" sign. It was when I drew level with the Land Rover that I spotted the red traffic signal ...just before I saw the oncoming stream of traffic. Instinctively I braked and reversed.
But the gap in the traffic that I had vacated was no longer there! The convoy I had led was now queued in orderly fashion behind the Land Rover. As I reversed slowly back along its line - now leading a "convoy" of cars coming in the opposite direction - I noticed successive drivers shaking their heads. I don't think it was in respect.
I won't go into detail with the most recent incident involving a couple in Tesco's car park last Sunday. I think I'm begining to get the picture now.
Yes it seems I'm of that age! When allegedly we become less aware of situations around us. When our kids say we shouldn't be allowed out by ourselves!
But who says that this is the way of it? Because I actually see it quite differently.
I've finally realised that the rest of the world is hesitant and indecisive!
Say hello to a Reckless Wrinkly!
Still with lots to do, and sharp enough to notice there is a reducing amount of time to do it all.
So whatever it is you want to do - new job! new home! new places to see! new love in your life!! Get reckless and boldly go for it now!
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