Getting back into work mode has proved very difficult after the week away in South Devon.
Sustained concentration has proved to be the problem. Not a new one for me. "Concentration" was regularly mentioned in school reports in my early years, so no ...I wasn't leaping to the age conclusion. But it was odd and a little annoying that the old brain was very creative when I had switched off for my holiday ...but then decided to switch itself off as soon as I got back to my desk to work?
Then I came across an article in Science Daily which seems to explain what is going on. In an unusual collaboration between psychology, engineering and architecture academics in Sheffied, Bradford and Germany, researchers have shown how tranquility enhances the functionality of the brain. It seems from scans that areas of the brain connect up and are in sync when enjoying such things as the soothing roar of breaking waves.
This strikes two chords with me. I fancy myself as a bit of an amateur psychologist. One of my favourite "research" projects is the link between relaxation and brain activity. We know for example that the mind becomes more creative as we go into a state of deep relaxation or trance. Who hasn't experienced a "eureka" moment on emerging from sleep. Creativity coaches advocate that "sleeping on it!" is good for problem solving and creativity.
Buddist chanting, Shamanic drumming, tribal dancing all bring about altered state and indications are that this occurs around the Theta state when brain waves are between 4 to 7 Hz.
Hypnotherapists lead their subjects into this same state to access the sub-conscious and the deeply held beliefs and memories that sit there. Uncovering these as they resolve phobias and other behavioural change issues.
Sportsmen and musicians getting "into the zone" relax their minds in what is an apparent accessing of a programmed code of subsequent peak performance.
Meditation brings inner calm and strength through contemplation ...perhaps the same is happening in prayer.
Plenty of similarity here. And then, when you think how much of the brain's space and functionality is un-used then all sorts of opportunities are imaginable!
So ....lots of reasons why meditation, power napping, walking through the park - whatever is your "switching off" habit - are to be encouraged as the ways to unlock our full mental capability.
And I guess as well I'm going to have to declutter and finally decorate my office into a more tranquil environment.
But I did say "two chords?" The second one is ...I do indolence very well!
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