Watching her I was reminded of the Children in Need Concert from the Albert Hall last November. We had "our Cheryl" who despite the distractions of a wacky uniform and the obligatory dancers couldn't disguise what is a rather "generic" voice. Then we had Dame Shirley. Distinctive! Effortless! Sexy at 73! Blowing the audience away!
Now I'm the first person to defend new music from unfair criticism. But to defend it on behalf of its intended audience...young people! Because when you're young you want new stuff and want to be in tune with it. And it makes me cringe when I hear "50 somethings" going on about Kasabian and Snoop Dogg. That has more than a touch of "disco dancing dad" syndrome about it!
But having said all that I still believe that the old songs and the old singers are the best. And more to the point that they should still be singing them!I got into quite a row with a colleague over retirement. He seemed to support some kind of social engineering of society whereby us wrinklies should be moved aside to allow young people to come through. What a cheek!!
We argued it through and eventually he agreed that experience does matter. It's not a given! But if you have a talent or skill... and you have worked to keep it in shape and relevant...and have a pride and passion in what you do...then you probably are still on top of your game.
You just have to get our there and let the audience see for themselves. Maybe we'll forget the dancing though.
I'm off to see Tony Bennett at the Albert Hall on June 30th. He's 84... and still singing the songs!
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