Watching her on Breakfast TV and hearing her say "I'm sorry but I'm passionate about mathematics!" was to listen to a soul mate. And I instantly realised why in their Countdown days I had always been jealous of dear old Richard Whitely. It all added up!
Carol was on the show to talk about her latest venture The Maths Factor.
It's a project that will promote, encourage and teach mathematics with an emphasis on better understanding and natural aptitude.
It's a project that will promote, encourage and teach mathematics with an emphasis on better understanding and natural aptitude.
It was the natural aptitude theme that struck a chord with me. Probably because I've always enjoyed playing with numbers and because I also feel that something has been lost with the advent of calculators. Do they teach mental arithmetic theses days? I don't know. I do know that youngsters laugh when I tell them that as a newly recruited Junior Audit Clerk in the 60's I was handed the telephone directory and told as practice I must add up the columns in my head. Thinking back...nobody ever checked my answers....funny that?? But we did seem to acquire natural aptitude in the old days. Little tricks like when multiplying "awkward" numbers try doubling one and halving the other. So 15 x 18 became 30 x 9. Easy...270!
We learnt how to calculate percentages. Knowledge I was sharing when training young sales recruits....
"What is 20% saving on £350?" I asked. Nothing!! "Ok then...what is 2 x £35? After some delay a tentative "£70?" came back. "That's right and £70 is 20% of £350."
"So now you know. What is 20% saving on £280?" Nothing!! "Remember? What is 2 x £28?" After a longer delay a more tentative £56? "That's right. So what is 20% of £280?" ...................Nothing!!We learnt how to calculate percentages. Knowledge I was sharing when training young sales recruits....
"What is 20% saving on £350?" I asked. Nothing!! "Ok then...what is 2 x £35? After some delay a tentative "£70?" came back. "That's right and £70 is 20% of £350."
And if we're talking about aptitude. Can you remember the Comptometer and the amazing Comp Girls! They combined quick minds and hands to punch out unerring calculations at breathtaking speed. And some I remember had handshakes to make a man cry!
And what about the slide rule? The "latest advancement" from the old printed Log tables and trigonometry ratios. I loved mine. But when mentioned it gains not a flicker of recognition from my grand-kids other than to ask "Isn't that a good pass in football?"
Yes sadly these devices are all obsolete and thanks to vintage calculators for showing them proper respect. Which is more than you can say about football commentators! ......."Slide rule pass!" I ask you! But at least it gets a "metaphoric" mention from Lawro' and co. and together with Carol maybe we can resurrect those traditional aptitudes that went with them. And with a bit of help from us too!
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