Friday, 26 March 2010

We can do it! Yes we can!

"The mindset that getting older is the end of the enjoyment of life is now passé." That comment was made by John Benyon, Director of Research at the Institute of Lifelong Learning at the University of Leicester.  It was part of a quote made in connection with an article in Political Insight launching April 10th in which he discusses issues such as retirement planning, and contribution to the nation's economy beyond the normal retirement age. The article also makes the point that although much is said about an ageing population, little of this translates into policy. And he looks to a future where older people take an even bigger role, with election to local office as one possibility.
And why not I say?  In  fact....why just settle for local office? Let's go for national politics.

If the policies that will empower us aren't being made, then maybe we had better make them ourselves.
Yes! I can visualize the beginnings of our election manifesto. To be fair that's not difficult what with all the fun and games of the MP's expenses scandal. Plus of course their latest howler.... Ex-Ministers offering themselves for £5000 a day lobbying jobs. So how's this for a campaign slogan?
Trust us.... we 're not doing it for the money!   
And it's true  We won't be lobbying to set ourselves up for future employment. We've had our careers.  And the prospect of a peerage and elevation to the House of Lords won't have any appeal no party line inducement there!   Yes it really is a no-brainer!'
And we haven't got started yet on all the obvious advantages that we would bring to the role:
  1. Reality! Borne out of many years of actually having a real life. Not one that has only ever been seen through a political viewfinder.
  2. Balance! Because we will probably have sampled the different political offerings at some time or other. And for certain, whether it was as parents, managers, or football coaches we will have banged heads together.
  3. Independent mindedness! Let's be honest we are stubborn. We're used to things happening a certain way? Yet with an over-riding desire to resolve matters and move on because life is too short.
  4. Urgency! No "jam tomorrow" promises from I said life is too short!
And if you need any encouragement that now is the time to seize power, then take a look at David "Dave" Cameron addressing a recent TED conference. Talking with a UK and US video-linked audience, his theme was The Next Age of Government. (Bit of a Freudian slip I thought) In his speech he broadly concedes that change is inevitable. With governments having less money to spend, and people being more empowered through IT, Dave argues that the traditional power of central government will go. 
So I say to you my fellow wrinkly-bloggers.
Now is our time.  We can do it!
Yes we can!!    

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